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Find a New You by Visiting a Medical Day Spa Near You

When you're stressed and tired and in need of some rejuvenation then a retreat to a medical day spa may be just the thing you are in need of. Medical day spas are becoming incresingly popular and they offer an array of treatments that you may not find at your everyday spa. Along with massages, body treatments and facials.

botox, medical peels, microdermabrasion, photofacials are also all on the menu. The spa in question may require you to take your medical records with to to the first sppointment. Some spas may ask for an initial consultation before you book the treatment. Two of the main facial treatments you will find at a medical spa as below: Botox injections: The popularity of botox treatments has exploded and there is some controvasy as to it's safety and side effects. Almost every medical day spa and beauty parlour in the country now offers botox treatments. A single botox treatment can make a huge difference to the apperance of your skin.

This treatment may help you to look years younger but it is not a permanent treatment. After a few months wrinkles will reappear and the treatment will need repeating. Before you start you may want to think about you budget especially for repeat visits.

It is strongly recommended not to have this treatment anywhere other than a reputable medical day spa with a good reputation.this is why. Botox is a trade name and not the name of the substance that is injected. botox is derived from the botulinum toxin which is a neurotoxin protein.

This substance, when used in minute amounts paralyses the treated facial muscle preventing it from contracting, that is how the wrinkles then are not so visible. It will not remove sun damage on your skin. Before you start a Botox treatment seek full medical advice and make sure you know of the drawbacks and side effects. Medical microdermabrasion and medical peels: Medical microdermabrasion is a non surgical method of rejuvenation without the use of lasers and chemicals and is a modern treatment that is virtually painless and can be used in conjuction with other treatments.

If you are someone who suffers from blemishes, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles or problem skin then peels or microdermabrasion could be a very effective treatment. You will find these treatments easily inmany medical day spas. Medical peels remove the top most layer of the skin and the patient may experience a burning sensation during treatment. There are three choices of chemicals that can be used, in order of strength, mild are alphahydroxy acids (AHA's), medium are trichloracetic acids (TCA's) and strongest are phenols. You will end up with a refreshed looking skin with far fewer wrinkles and sun spots. Arrange a preconsultation appointment and then it can be assessed whether a peel treatment would besuitable for your skin Many medical day spas in the country offer these two methods of treatment.

Booking an appointment is easy but bear in mind, as mentioned earlier, they will want to assess you first to make sure you are getting the best treatment for you. So.if you just want to rejuventate you skin with a simple treatment then a visit to a medical day spa is definitely worth consideration.

You could have a new lease of life!.

If you would like more information on spa gifts, spa treatment weekends or would like to visit a medical day spa near you visit

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